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For over a quarter of a century, this life-changing personal development and meditation technique has been shared with countless individuals and groups across the UK and beyond, serving as a guiding light to positive change. My last Secret Garden Course was June 2024. I finally wrote the book of the course in 2023 and feel that as I retire its time to let the teaching side go. I have met many great people over the years, some of them taking the training course and using it within their own professional practice. I ran childrens summer and school art projects using the Secret Garden technique to guide the sessions. When I think how this all became possible because of a portion of sweet and salmonella chicken in 1991 and a trip to the Sahara Desert where I learnt how to meditate the following year, it really has been an incredible experience. Click more to buy the book.

  • Date:15/06/2024 03:00 PM
  • Location Norwich, UK (Map)



Prepare to unlock the gates to your own Secret Garden and embark on an exploration that transcends the ordinary and leads you to lasting positive transformation and a better version of yourself through the teachings of Secret Garden.

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